Crowdfunding of Our New album with Orchestra has begun!
Orchestral collaboration! Brand new album from the Visual Kei rock band, Lacroix Despheres!
Visual Kei rock opera band, Lacroix Despheres, and Video Game Orchestra are collaborating to make the world’s first crowdfunded recording by a Visual Kei band!
This project aims to record the final act of Lacroix Despheres rock opera “Denier Paradis Act 3”. This album is a full orchestral collaboration with Video Game Orchestra who, beginning with Final Fantasy XIII-3 Lightning Returns, has delivered countless soundtracks for video games.
This collaboration will be between the Japan based Lacroix Despheres and the Boston based VGO in a simultaneous Japan/America crowdfunding event: outside of Japan via Indiegogo and within Japan via MotionGallery.
Our goal is to take this crowdfunded recording and spread the beauty of orchestral performance with the expanding possibilities found within Japan’s Visual Kei bands across the world!
Let’s make the new album which leaves the name for the history of the music together!