
June 13, 2015

Lacroix Despheres is gonna be introduced in the following radios!

Check out the schedule from below! ! Lacroix Despheres is gonna be introduced in the following radios.   6/13(sat) Sword UK Radio > 14:00~17:00(UK time zone) 22:00~25:00(Japan time zone) 6/15(mon) WRFN 1025 > 19:00~22:00(UK) 3:00~6:00(JP,6/16) 6/17(wed) GloTime Radio > 18:00~21:00(UK) 2:00~5:00(JP,6/18) 6/19(fri) ROCK RADIO UK > 4:00~7:00(UK) 12:00~15:00(JP) 6/20(sat) Run FM > 7:00~10:00(UK) 15:00~18:00(JP) QMR Two > 23:00~26:00(UK) 7:00~9:00(JP,6/21) 6/20(sun) Run FM > 7:00~10:00(UK) 15:00~18:00(JP)
June 2015